Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"Almost There''

It is only through the support of some amazing people along the way have we found the strength to keep going with our struggle to obtain justice for Andrew - many thanks to Margie for sending this to me today - it has helped to firm the resolve to keep going that was needed at this time. The struggle and fight over past decade has taken its toll on not just myself but my husband, my mother and all of my family. But - the end of this is now in sight. Thanks again Margie!

"Almost There''

Even when it seems your'e not making progress, you most likely are.

The biggest breakthroughs often come after a long period of being stuck.

If you're making a focused ,determined effort, then you're making positive progress, even if you can't see it yet.

Keep going, for the breakthrough will come.

It is impossible to create value without receiving value in return.

Keep working to create value,and the value you seek will come to you in time.

Your next bit of effort may be what finally makes everything start falling into place.

You may already be so close to the goal that you can almost touch it.

Keep going, for your efforts will pay off.

Keep on acting with purpose, with focus and commitment.

The path to the top of the mountain of accomplishment will grow steeper as you near the summit. When the going gets difficult, keep going,f or it mean's you're almost there.

Ralph Marston.


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