Friday, July 08, 2005

High Court Appeal date confirmed

"An injustice is constant - it does not become less of an injustice with the passage of time - it actually compounds, the longer the injustice remains unresolved"

After the waiting - Great news.  We have received formal confirmation from the High Court Registry that the hearing of Andrew's appeal will be 6 and 7 September in Canberra.

Thanks again to all of our supporters - and one of them, Marion sent a poem to Andrew which gave him inspiration - here is an excerpt from it- thank you to all of you who have written to Andrew over the past few years - these letters have really helped to keep Andrew thinking positive and contributed to his well being.

Our freedom

I don’t know how long you’ve been there
You may have a long way to go
And because of your circumstances
There’s something I want you to know

However despondent you feel right now
You are not alone in your plight
Friends are constantly praying for you
So please don’t give up the fight

There are people who live in the free world
Who are bound by their worries and fears
And they’ve spent this time imprisoned
For an incredible number of years

For you it’s a little different
Your confinement is physically real
And however hard I really try
I can’t say I know how you feel

Some words of inspiration
Are all I can offer you
Now I pray you take them kindly
They were written just for you

Just be the special person
God intended you to be
And hold on to good memories
Until at last you are set free

What is the ultimate freedom
Where do we find release
Our minds are just a battlefield
In our constant search for peace

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Appeal hearing before the High Court of Australia

"An injustice is constant - it does not become less of an injustice with the passage of time - it actually compounds, the longer the injustice remains unresolved"

Late last year Andrew's legal team were successful in their application to have Andrew's appeal against his conviction heard in the High Court of Australia. As at July 2005 we are still waiting for a date for the hearing before the High Court.
But we are hopeful the application will be heard well before the end of 2005.

Andrew would like me to pass on his thanks for all of the support he has recieved by way of letters and emails from you.

He has remained positive throught out this long wait, we are very proud of the way he has held himself together during this difficult time.

Hopefully in a very short time I will be able to post the date of the hearing.